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Samaria Mission is a faith mission, which means that not only do our missionaries have to raise 100% of their personal support, but the various ministries within the mission, also need financial support in order to function on an ongoing basis.

We therefore, rely on a network of families, friends, and churches to partner with us to provide for our various needs each month.  Would you prayerfully consider becoming a sustainable partner in this ongoing ministry?

If you would like to support one of our full time missionaries and/or one of our various ministries within the ministry, please send your support to one of the following address below and REFERENCE: YOUR NAME / MISSIONARY OR DESIGNATED FUND YOU ARE SUPPORTING


Samaria Mission, ABSA, 1210152845, Current Acc.



Giving in USA ... If you would like to give a tax-deductible gift (Only for American Givers), please send checks to:

M.E.E.K. Inc.
2531 Smith Blvd.
San Angelo, Texas 76905


We do need to address something that has come to our attention....

It  has  come  to  our  attention  that  money  is  being  sent through MEEK for individuals, (individuals being people that have in some way an affiliation with Samaria Mission, and   not   those   who   are   full   time   Samaria   Mission Missionaries staff).  When funds come through Samaria Mission  and  we  have  not  received  any  communication from  the  sender  nor  from  the  recipient,  this  creates problems,  as  we  have  no  understanding  that  funds  are coming in or the purpose for which they have been sent.   While we encourage and appreciate support for those who have a need, there is a right way to do things. 

The ease of communication today makes it possible for an individual in the bush to easily get in touch with almost anybody anywhere in the world, and this is a good thing.  But this also opens up an issue when “needs” are shared that may or may not be a need.  One of the things we point out in our Orientation Manual for those coming on outreach with us is that you must “never make a promise to help or even suggest you can help someone who has expressed a need, even if a person has not asked for help but you feel burdened to help, first come speak to Samaria Mission staff about it.”  This applies even when not on outreach. 

As we at Samaria Mission mostly have more intimate knowledge of a person and their needs, it is of utmost importance that the potential donor communicate their intention with one of our missionaries or with Samaria Mission office.

We will then be able to advice on how to proceed.  On a few occasions we have had a phone call from an individual saying “where is my money”, and we have no idea money has been promised or even been sent.  If money sent to MEEK has not arrived in time for when it is transferred, which is only once a month, which is around the 10th of each month, then it can only be sent the following month. 

Another important aspect is that we also have laws of our country we need to abide by.  If the “Tax Man”comes knocking and we cannot verify through written communication from the donor why we have sent an individual money and what it is for, we are in trouble.  Therefore we request that all donations be verified through Samaria Mission office first and then sent through MEEK, or, the donor needs to make alternative arrangements to send the money some other way to the individual.

William Vaughan