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Community Development

The local church takes responsibility in providing care for Orphans, Vulnerable Children, Elderly and Widows.  We help churches to set-up a garden for them to grow what is needed, and provide a well when there is a not water source near this garden.  In several villages we have helped them establish gardens and water sources and we hope to increase this part of our ministry.  Our desire is to drill more wells, and in so doing, provide more villages with clean water. We are in the process of planning extra trips into Mozambique purely for the purpose of well drilling and teaching improved farming methods. 

Those church members, who are physically able, help to maintain these vegetable gardens. Families that have an orphan/vulnerable child that they care for are required to work in the garden and thus provide for not just the orphan/vulnerable child but their whole family as well. Samaria Mission is not content with just meeting their physical needs, but also their spiritual needs as the children and their families are taught God’s word.

"Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world." James 1:27