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Who we are

Who Is Samaria Mission

Christ Baptist Church incorporating Samaria Mission and Christ Seminary exists as a Biblical community to glorify God by exalting His supremacy in all things, equipping one another for works of service, and evangelizing all nations so that we may present all people complete in Christ.

Samaria Mission was born in 1977 when Hennie and Rina Venter felt the Lord's call upon their lives.

Samaria mission is a ministry, a faith mission, working from the platform of the local church, with the task to be obedient to the great commission by effectively becoming involved in the process of church planting through evangelism, discipleship, church development and social upliftment.

God alone can ordain a true ministry with faithful servants putting their hope in Him alone. With His guidance and counsel He alone can allow it to stand the test of time even during hardship and persecution. We believe that such a ministry is Samaria Mission.

Our philosophy has always been to be faithful to the command of Christ and to be His witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the ends of the earth. More specifically we are committed to effectively plant churches through evangelism, discipleship and development of strong local churches with godly leaders who in turn can train others and also reproduce their ministries in other places. Training nationals to reach nationals is top priority. With these needs on our heart Christ Baptist Church started Christ Seminary in 1997 to further our biblical mandate to make disciples and train leaders. Africa will best be reached through Africa, and the church in Africa will only have solid foundations laid when its own pastors are bringing truly biblical messages and setting godly examples for the flock.

We use short-term teams to assist us in this work. The Chronological Bible teaching method developed by New Tribes Missions is a valuable tool that we use as a basis for understanding God's Story, The Bible.
An important part of our ministry is building partnerships with like minded people and churches. We encourage believers to be personally involved in missions by supporting financially and by personally being On Mission with God.