Sean and Gena were called to full time ministry in 1993. They left the United States for South Africa in September 1995 and served with Jesus Alive Ministries for 3 years in their aviation department maintaining and flying aircraft throughout Africa.
They joined Samaria Mission in January 2002. Sean heads up the practical side of the ministry, such as construction and well drilling. He also assists with teaching and leads teams on outreach into Mozambique.
Gena is a huge blessing when it comes to repairing and making things that we need for our ministry. Her creativeness with a sewing machine is astounding! She is also a great help when it comes to making sure that the guys will have food on their trips into Mozambique and she is becoming quite the professional in whipping up "padkos" (road food) for them!
Another part of their ministry is promoting awareness of the work of Samaria Mission and motivating churches across the United States to be involved, by sending short-term teams and assisting financially in the work of the Samaria Mission.
Sean and Gena have a long-term commitment to serve the Lord with Samaria Mission according to His will and purpose.
Andrew works as an IT and internet technician and Nikki is married to Gabriel Pretorius .